Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Banned Book Week Day 2: Which banned book would you memorize to prevent being lost to the sands of time?

In honor of Banned Books Week (September 26 through October 1, 2016), GHPALS members are reporting their answers to five prompts suggested by the Banned Book Week coalition.(See our post Banned Books Week.)

Today the prompt is Which banned book would you memorize to prevent being lost to the sands of time?

Our members' answers:
  • Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer. The two best American novels. I laugh every time I read them and they capture Americans perfectly.
  • Treasure Island, by Robert Louis Stevenson. It's probably the best written book I've ever read.  You are right there when every event happens. I don't care if it's not on the banned books list. That's the book I'd want to save.
  • This may seem trite to you, but I'd memorize The King James Bible because it is one of the most influential books ever published and because it has such beautiful language. I'm not particularly religious, but I love The Bible because whenever church is dull, there's always something in it to read. They keep them in every pew. At least they do in Protestant churches.
  • Anything by Carl Hiaasen, because I laugh all the way through them and they make me happy. I'll need something like that if books are being lost to the sands of time.
  • Mother Goose because I'm horrible at memorizing. I could probably remember the nursery rhymes because they're short.
  • Pride and Prejudice because it is the best book ever written about male-famale relationships.
  • The Last of the Mohicans because I loved it so much as a child. Uncas was my hero.
The Banned Books Coalition developed prompts to stimulate discussion during Banned Books Week. Tomorrow we'll post the answer to If you could go back in time, which book would you give your younger self?

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