Sunday, August 3, 2014

Book 2: The Warren Commission Report: A Graphic Investigation

Book Two is an uncorrected proof, advance reader copy
of The Warren Commission Report: A Graphic Investigation. The final book will be in color; this version has black and white illustrations on some pages and only uncompleted sketches on others.

Title: The Warren Commission Report: A Graphic Investigation

Author/Illustrators: Dan Mishkin, Ernie Colon, Jerzy Drozo
Publisher: Abrams Comicarts, an imprint of Abrams
Genre: Non-fiction history
Target Audience/Age Group: Adults
Part of a Series? No
Will the Reviewer Keep It In His/Her Library? No

I read Vincent Bugliosi's book on the JFK assassination and am a complete believer that Oswald acted alone. Every presidential assassin, successful and failed, except John Wilkes Booth, acted alone. One obsessed person can make a difference and history is full of them. Refusal to believe that possiblity is a denial of our power as individuals with free will and insulting to us human beings.

I believe there would be no conspiracy theories if the Kennedy staffers had not interfered with law enforcement. It wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last (think Chappaquiddick Island) the family's courtiers muddied the waters so much facts could never be confirmed.

I am a fan of the author/illustrator's illustration of the 9/11 report (The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation) and have it in my library. This ARC indicates this new book will help readers understand why the Warren Commission's work left room for conspiracy theories. It's not clear if it will help people understand that the facts do not support them.

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