Thursday, April 28, 2016

The Latest from the Newport Beach Film Festival

2016 Newport Beach Film Festival
Yesterday I worked tickets at Big Newport instead of the nerve center at Fashion Island. Carol (the Big Cheese in Charge of Ticketing) sent me there because the computers there are wonky and she honors me by believing I can handle them. One worked fine, but the other was indeed wonky so our customer service was not up to the standards to which we aspire. But we managed to get everyone into their films on time.

Battalion was well received, judging from the comments people made to me as they left the theater. Several stopped by the ticket table to thank me for telling them about the film. One woman's grandfather fought in World War I and the fighting-in-the trenches scenes really impressed her. The filmmaker told me the German trenches were paved with running water and electricity, which certainly wasn't the case in the Russian trenches. The filmmakers were given access to uniforms and artifacts from the War so they could recreate them for the movie, which had a $10 million budget. Since I loved this film when I screened/reviewed it for the Festival, I was really glad for it.

Since: The Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103's audience had to be forced out of the theater and a second showing has been scheduled for today. Several family members of people who died were present, as were former Pan Am employees. I wish I'd been there.

No Greater Love, the film about the Army chaplain and the unit he served with in Afghanistan, was apparently excellent because several people stopped by to tell me how much it affected them. On Monday the chaplain who was the subject of the film had stopped by the main ticket counter at Fashion Island and my co-workers couldn't wait to tell me about the film when I returned from working at Big Newport the first time.

Nobody Walks in LA's director Jesse Shapiro spent time outside the ticket booth yesterday morning, talking to anyone who was interested in hearing about his film before its 10:30 showing. It plays again today, it's third showing. He answered my questions about the money they earn from Netflix and iTunes. Someday when I have time I'll write about it. He has been so nice to us and offered to send us a screener since none of us could see it. Working 12-hour days cuts into movie watching.

I have to run off to work the last day.

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