And we love comics.
How did we come up with this project? Well, like all good ones, it started with one person. An active member cleaned out her comic collection, deciding to keep only the ones she really, really liked. She could have sold them, but someone had told her about, where you could find someone in the military who wanted whatever you were giving away. Several wanted comic books, so she sent them off where they would be welcome.
She shared that story, and in the discussion we learned that several of us use AnySoldier to find ways to help. One mother told us her daughter sent 4 boxes of Beanie Babies to a nurse in Afghanistan who said she gives them to the local children she treats. Another saves all her Ellery Queen and Alfred Hitchcock magazines, and when a box is full she sends it off stuffed with snacks and good reading. Another buys paperback books at the Friends of the Library (Costa Mesa or Newport) Bookstores and sends them off.
The conversation wandered off onto the subject of the new DC comics (with the 3D covers) when someone had the bright idea for Comics for the Troops.
SO HELP US ENTERTAIN OUR SERVICE FOLKS and support a small business. Shop
Alakazam Comics and drop an extra book in the box.